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Cypress App


Scroll to a specific position.

It is unsafe to chain further commands that rely on the subject after .scrollTo().


cy.scrollTo(x, y)
cy.scrollTo(position, options)
cy.scrollTo(x, y, options)

// ---or---

.scrollTo(x, y)
.scrollTo(position, options)
.scrollTo(x, y, options)


Correct Usage

cy.scrollTo(0, 500) // Scroll the window 500px down
cy.get('.sidebar').scrollTo('bottom') // Scroll 'sidebar' to its bottom

Incorrect Usage

cy.title().scrollTo('My App') // Errors, 'title' does not yield DOM element


position (String)

A specified position to scroll the window or element to. Valid positions are topLeft, top, topRight, left, center, right, bottomLeft, bottom, and bottomRight.


x (Number, String)

The distance in pixels from window/element's left or percentage of the window/element's width to scroll to.

y (Number, String)

The distance in pixels from window/element's top or percentage of the window/element's height to scroll to.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of cy.scrollTo().

duration0Scrolls over the duration (in ms)
easingswingWill scroll with the easing animation
ensureScrollabletrueEnsure element is scrollable. Error if element cannot scroll.
logtrueDisplays the command in the Command log
timeoutdefaultCommandTimeoutTime to wait for .scrollTo() to resolve before timing out

Yields Learn about subject management​

  • .scrollTo() yields the same subject it was given.
  • It is unsafe to chain further commands that rely on the subject after .scrollTo().



Scroll to the bottom of the window​


Scroll to the center of the list​



Scroll 500px down the list​

cy.get('#infinite-scroll-list').scrollTo(0, 500)

Scroll the window 500px to the right​


Scroll 25% down the element's height​

cy.get('.user-photo').scrollTo('0%', '25%')


Use linear easing animation to scroll​

cy.get('.documentation').scrollTo('top', { easing: 'linear' })

Scroll to the right over 2000ms​

cy.get('#slider').scrollTo('right', { duration: 2000 })

Do not error if element is not scrollable​

Let's say we do not know whether our table element is scrollable. Sometimes the table may be scrollable (with 2,000 rows) and sometimes the table may not be scrollable (with 5 rows). You can ignore the error checking to ensure the element is scrollable by passing ensureScrollable: false.

// will move on to next command even if table is not scrollable
cy.get('table').scrollTo('bottom', { ensureScrollable: false })



cy.scrollTo() is an "action command" that follows all the rules of Actionability.


cy.scrollTo() acts differently whether it's starting a series of commands or being chained off of an existing.

When starting a series of commands:​

This scrolls the window.


When chained to an existing series of commands:​

This will scroll the <#checkout-items> element.



Snapshots do not reflect scroll behavior​

Cypress does not reflect the accurate scroll positions of any elements within snapshots. If you want to see the actual scrolling behavior in action, we recommend using .pause() to walk through each command or watching the video of the test run.


Requirements Learn about chaining commands​

  • .scrollTo() requires being chained off a command that yields DOM element(s).
  • .scrollTo() requires the element to be scrollable.

Timeouts Learn about timeouts​

  • .scrollTo() can time out waiting for assertions you've added to pass.

Command Log​

Scroll to the bottom of the window then scroll the element to the "right"


The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

command log for scrollTo

When clicking on scrollTo within the command log, the console outputs the following:

console.log for scrollTo


4.11.0Added support for ensureScrollable option.

See also​