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Iterate through an array like structure (arrays or objects with a length property).

It is unsafe to chain further commands that rely on the subject after .each().




Correct Usage

cy.get('ul>li').each(() => {...}) // Iterate through each 'li'
cy.getCookies().each(() => {...}) // Iterate through each cookie

Incorrect Usage

cy.each(() => {...}) // Errors, cannot be chained off 'cy'
cy.clock().each(() => {...}) // Errors, 'clock' does not yield an array


callbackFn (Function)

Pass a function that is invoked with the following arguments:

  • value
  • index
  • collection

Yields Learn about subject management​

  • .each() yields the same subject it was given.
  • It is unsafe to chain further commands that rely on the subject after .each().


DOM Elements​

Iterate over an array of DOM elements

cy.get('ul>li').each(($el, index, $list) => {
// $el is a wrapped jQuery element
if ($el.someMethod() === 'something') {
// wrap this element so we can
// use cypress commands on it
} else {
// do something else

The original array is always yielded

No matter what is returned in the callback function, .each() will always yield the original array.

.should('have.length', 3)
.each(($li, index, $lis) => {
return 'something else'
.then(($lis) => {
expect($lis).to.have.length(3) // true


Promises are awaited

If your callback function returns a Promise, it will be awaited before iterating over the next element in the collection.

cy.wrap([1, 2, 3]).each((num, i, array) => {
return new Cypress.Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, num * 100)


Return early​

Stop each prematurely

You can stop the .each() loop early by returning false in the callback function.


Requirements Learn about chaining commands​

  • .each() requires being chained off a previous command.

Assertions Learn about assertions​

  • .each() will only run assertions you have chained once, and will not retry.

Timeouts Learn about timeouts​

  • .each() can time out waiting for a promise you've returned to resolve.

Command Log​

  • cy.each() does not log in the Command Log

See also​