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cy.clock() overrides native global functions related to time allowing them to be controlled synchronously via cy.tick() or the yielded clock object. This includes controlling:

  • setTimeout
  • clearTimeout
  • setInterval
  • clearInterval
  • Date Objects

The clock starts at the unix epoch (timestamp of 0). This means that when you instantiate new Date in your application, it will have a time of January 1st, 1970.


cy.clock(now, functionNames)
cy.clock(now, options)
cy.clock(now, functionNames, options)


Correct Usage



now (number)

A timestamp specifying where the clock should start.

functionNames (Array)

Name of native functions that clock should override.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of cy.clock().

logtrueDisplays the command in the Command log

Yields Learn about subject management​

cy.clock() yields a clock object with the following methods:

  • clock.tick(milliseconds)

    Move the clock the specified number of milliseconds. Any timers within the affected range of time will be called.

  • clock.restore()

    Restore all overridden native functions. This is automatically called between tests, so should not generally be needed.

  • clock.setSystemTime(now)

    Change the system time to the new now. Now can be a timestamp, date object, or not passed in which defaults to 0. No timers will be called, nor will the time left before they trigger change.

You can also access the clock object via this.clock in a .then() callback.


No Args​

Create a clock and use it to trigger a setInterval​

// your app code
let seconds = 0

setInterval(() => {
$('#seconds-elapsed').text(++seconds + ' seconds')
}, 1000)
cy.get('#seconds-elapsed').should('have.text', '1 seconds')
cy.get('#seconds-elapsed').should('have.text', '2 seconds')

Access the clock object to synchronously move time​

In most cases, it's easier to use cy.tick() to move time, but you can also use the clock object yielded by cy.clock().

cy.clock().then((clock) => {

You can call cy.clock() again for this purpose later in a chain if necessary.

cy.get('input').type('Jane Lane')
cy.clock().then((clock) => {

The clock object is also available via this.clock in any .then() callback.

cy.get('form').then(($form) => {
// do something with $form ...

Access the clock object to restore native functions​

In general, it should not be necessary to manually restore the native functions that cy.clock() overrides since this is done automatically between tests. But if you need to, the clock object yield has a .restore() method.

cy.clock().then((clock) => {

Or via this.clock:

cy.get('.timer').then(($timer) => {
// do something with $timer ...


Specify a now timestamp​

const now = new Date(2021, 3, 14) // month is 0-indexed

cy.get('#date').should('have.value', '04/14/2021')

Function names​

Specify which functions to override​

This example below will only override setTimeout and clearTimeout and leave the other time-related functions as they are.

cy.clock(null, ['setTimeout', 'clearTimeout'])

Note that you must specify Date in order to override the current datetime. The example below affects the current datetime without affecting scheduled timers.

cy.clock(Date.UTC(2018, 10, 30), ['Date'])

Using cy.clock() with cy.tick()​

Restore clock​

You can restore the clock and allow your application to resume normally without manipulating native global functions related to time. This is automatically called between tests.

cy.get('#search').type('Acme Company')
// more test code here

// restore the clock
cy.clock().then((clock) => {
// more test code here

You could also restore by using .invoke() to invoke the restore function.


Change current system time​

Here we test that a timer still looks good if it has run for an hour, without triggering an hours worth of setInterval or requestAnimationFrame timers and overloading our CPU.

cy.clock().then((clock) => {
clock.setSystemTime(60 * 60 * 1000 - 60);
// setSystemTime doesn't trigger any timers, so we run the last frame
// with tick to trigger a callback to update the timer.
cy.get('#timer').should(...) // assert that it fits within the screen etc.
// more test code here

You could also change the system time by using .invoke() to invoke the setSystemTime function.

cy.clock().invoke('setSystemTime', 60 * 60 * 1000)



iframes not supported​

Note that cy.clock() only applies to the top window on a web page. It will not override the time functions of any iframe embedded on the page.


clock behavior before cy.mount()​

Using the cy.mount() command in a Cypress Component Test will render your component but does not affect the behavior of the page or window object. This means you can mount directly after calling cy.clock() to test the component against any changes you've made to the yielded clock object.

clock behavior before cy.visit()​

If you call cy.clock() before visiting a page with cy.visit(), the page's native global functions will be overridden on window load, before any of your app code runs. So even if setTimeout, for example, is called on page load, it can still be controlled via cy.tick(). This also applies if, during the course of a test, the page under test is reloaded or changed.


Requirements Learn about chaining commands​

  • cy.clock() requires being chained off of cy.

Assertions Learn about assertions​

  • cy.clock() is a utility command.
  • cy.clock() will not run assertions. Assertions will pass through as if this command did not exist.

Timeouts Learn about timeouts​

  • cy.clock() cannot time out.

Command Log​

Create a clock and tick it 1 second


The command above will display in the Command Log as:

Command Log clock

When clicking on the clock command within the command log, the console outputs the following:

console.log clock command


10.7.0Added setSystemTime to yielded clock object

See also​