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Advanced Installation

What you'll learn​
  • How to install Cypress with a custom binary
  • How to skip the installation of the Cypress binary
  • How to change the Cypress binary cache location or download URL
  • How to use a custom certificate authority (CA)
  • How to opt out of sending exception data to Cypress

Environment variables​

CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARYDestination of Cypress binary that's downloaded and installed
CYPRESS_CONNECT_RETRY_THRESHOLDOverrides the maximum number of retries when connecting to a browser. The default value is 62.
CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_MIRRORDownloads the Cypress binary through a mirror server
CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_PATH_TEMPLATEAllows generating a custom URL to download the Cypress binary from
CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDERChanges the Cypress binary cache location
CYPRESS_RUN_BINARYLocation of Cypress binary at run-time
CYPRESS_VERIFY_TIMEOUTOverrides the timeout duration for the verify command. The default value is 30000.
CYPRESS_SKIP_VERIFYSkips the verify command (for stable CI environments)

Install binary​

Using the CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY environment variable, you can control how Cypress is installed. To override what is installed, you set CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY alongside the npm install command.

This is helpful if you want to:

  • Install a version different than the default npm package.
    CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=13.7.0 npm install [email protected]
  • Specify an external URL (to bypass a corporate firewall).
    CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY= npm install cypress
  • Specify a file to install locally instead of using the internet.
    CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=/local/path/to/ npm install cypress

In all cases, the fact that the binary was installed from a custom location is not saved in your package.json file. Every repeated installation needs to use the same environment variable to install the same binary.

Skipping installation​

You can also force Cypress to skip the installation of the binary application by setting CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=0. This could be useful if you want to prevent Cypress from downloading the Cypress binary at the time of npm install.


Now Cypress will skip its install phase once the npm module is installed.

Troubleshoot installation​

The Cypress Life Cycle script postinstall installs the Cypress binary after the Cypress npm module has been installed. Package managers however execute the postinstall step in the background by default which hides the debug output. Execute cypress install separately with debug logging enabled to view the debug logs.

CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=0 npm install cypress --save-dev
DEBUG=cypress:cli* npx cypress install

To set environment variables CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY and DEBUG in Windows CMD or PowerShell terminals, refer to examples in Print DEBUG Logs.

In Continuous Integration (CI) use the following commands to display debug logs from the Cypress binary installation:

DEBUG=cypress:cli* npm ci --foreground-scripts

Binary cache​

As of version 3.0, Cypress downloads the matching Cypress binary to the global system cache, so that the binary can be shared between projects. By default, global cache folders are:

  • MacOS: ~/Library/Caches/Cypress
  • Linux: ~/.cache/Cypress
  • Windows: /AppData/Local/Cypress/Cache

To override the default cache folder, set the environment variable CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER.

CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER=~/Desktop/cypress_cache npm install
CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER=~/Desktop/cypress_cache npm run test

Cypress will automatically replace the ~ with the user's home directory. So you can pass CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER as a string from CI configuration files, for example:

CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: '~/.cache/Cypress'

See also Continuous Integration - Caching section in the documentation.


CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER will need to exist every time cypress is launched. To ensure this, consider exporting this environment variable. For example, in a .bash_profile (MacOS, Linux), or using RegEdit (Windows).

Run binary​

Setting the environment variable CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY overrides where the npm module finds the Cypress binary.

CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY should be a path to an already unzipped binary executable. The Cypress commands open, run, and verify will then launch the provided binary.


CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY=~/Downloads/ cypress run


CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY=~/Downloads/Cypress/Cypress cypress run


CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY=~/Downloads/Cypress/Cypress.exe cypress run

We recommend not exporting the CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY environment variable, since it will affect every cypress module installed on your file system.

Download URLs​

If you want to download a specific Cypress version for a given platform (Operating System), you can get it from our CDN.

The download server URL is

We currently have the following downloads available:

  • Windows 64-bit (?platform=win32&arch=x64)
  • Linux 64-bit (?platform=linux)
  • macOS 64-bit (?platform=darwin)

Here are the available download URLs:

See for all available platforms.

GET/desktopDownload Cypress at latest version (platform auto-detected)
GET/desktop.jsonReturns JSON containing latest available CDN destinations
GET/desktop?platform=p&arch=aDownload Cypress for a specific platform and/or architecture
GET/desktop/:versionDownload Cypress with a specified version
GET/desktop/:version?platform=p&arch=aDownload Cypress with a specified version and platform and/or architecture

Example of downloading Cypress 12.17.4 for Windows 64-bit:


If you choose to mirror the entire Cypress download site, you can specify CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR to set the download server URL from to your own mirror.

For example:

CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR="" cypress install

Cypress will then attempt to download a binary with this format:

Download path template​

Starting with Cypress 9.3.0, you can use the CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_PATH_TEMPLATE environment variable to download the Cypress binary from a custom URL that's generated based on endpoint, version, platform and architecture.

The following replacements are supported:

  • ${endpoint} is replaced with If CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR is set, its value is used instead of (note that the /desktop remains!)
  • ${platform} is replaced with the platform the installation is running on (e.g. win32, linux, darwin)
  • ${arch} is replaced with the architecture the installation is running on (e.g. x64, arm64)
  • Starting with Cypress 10.6.0, ${version} is replaced with the version number that's being installed (e.g. 10.11.0)


To install the binary from a download mirror that matches the exact file structure of (works for Cypress 9.3.0 or newer):

export CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_MIRROR=https://cypress-download.local
export CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_PATH_TEMPLATE='${endpoint}/${platform}-${arch}/'
# Example of a resulting URL: https://cypress-download.local/desktop/10.11.0/linux-x64/

To install the binary from a download server with a custom file structure (works for Cypress 10.6.0 or newer):

export CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_PATH_TEMPLATE='https://software.local/cypress/${platform}/${arch}/${version}/'
# Example of a resulting URL: https://software.local/cypress/linux/x64/10.11.0/

To define CYPRESS_DOWNLOAD_PATH_TEMPLATE in .npmrc, put a backslash before every $ (works for Cypress 9.5.3 or newer):


Using a custom certificate authority (CA)​

Cypress can be configured to use the ca and cafile options from your npm config file to download the Cypress binary.

For example, to use the CA at /home/person/certs/ca.crt when downloading Cypress, add the following to your .npmrc:


If neither cafile nor ca are set, Cypress looks at the system environment variable NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS and uses the corresponding certificate(s) as an extension for the trusted certificate authority when downloading the Cypress binary.

Note that the npm config is used as a replacement, and the node environment variable is used as an extension.

Opt out of sending exception data to Cypress​

When an exception is thrown regarding Cypress, we send along the exception data to We solely use this information to help develop a better product.

If you would like to opt out of sending any exception data to Cypress, you can do so by setting CYPRESS_CRASH_REPORTS=0 in your system environment variables.

Opt out on Linux or macOS​

To opt out of sending exception data on Linux or macOS, run the following command in a terminal before installing Cypress:


To make these changes permanent, you can add this command to your shell's ~/.profile (~/.zsh_profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc.) to run them on every login.

Opt out on Windows​

To opt out of sending exception data on Windows, run the following command in the Command Prompt before installing Cypress:


To accomplish the same thing in PowerShell:


To save the CYPRESS_CRASH_REPORTS variable for use in all new shells, use setx:


Opt out of Cypress commercial messaging​

Cypress may occasionally display messages in your CI logs related to our commercial offerings and how they could benefit you during your workflows.

If you would like to opt out of all commercial messaging, you can do so by setting CYPRESS_COMMERCIAL_RECOMMENDATIONS=0 in your system environment variables.

Install pre-release version​

If you would like to install a pre-release version of Cypress to test out functionality that has not yet been released, here is how:

  1. Open up the list of commits to develop on the Cypress repo:
  2. Find the commit that you would like to install the pre-release version of. Click the comment icon (highlighted in red below):
    Example of a commit for which pre-releases are available. Comment link highlighted in red.
  3. You should see several comments from the cypress-bot user with instructions for installing Cypress pre-releases. Pick the one that corresponds to your operating system and CPU architecture, and follow the instructions there to install the pre-release.

Cypress pre-releases are only available for 60 days after they are built. Do not rely on these being available past 60 days.

Windows Subsystem for Linux​

Cypress requires an X-server (X11) to display the Cypress UI from a Windows Subsystem for Linux installation. This requirement is met by current versions of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) with X11 support being included through Windows Subsystem for Linux GUI (WSLg).

Refer to GitHub: Windows Subsystem for Linux GUI (WSLg) for installation instructions on Ubuntu and install the prerequisite Linux packages before running Cypress.

Refer to Microsoft Learn Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation for additional information.

info does not specifically support the use of Cypress under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). If you want to report an issue, please ensure that you can reproduce it without using WSL on one of the Cypress supported operating systems.