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Cypress App

Svelte Examples

What you'll learn​
  • How to mount a Svelte component
  • How to pass props to a Svelte component
  • How to test event handlers in a Svelte component
  • How to access the component instance in a test

Mounting Components​

Using cy.mount()​

To mount a component with cy.mount(), import the component and pass it to the method:

import { Stepper } from './stepper.svelte'

it('mounts', () => {

Passing Data to a Component​

You can pass props to a component by setting props in the options: cy.mount():

it('mounts', () => {
cy.mount(Stepper, { props: { count: 100 } })

Testing Event Handlers​

To test emitted events from a Svelte component, we need to pass in a callback for when we increment the stepper. The Stepper component will need to invoke this callback for us. We can also pass in a Cypress spy so we can query the spy later for results. In the example below, we pass in the onChange callback handler and validate it was called as expected:

it('clicking + fires a change event with the incremented value', () => {
const onChangeSpy = cy.spy().as('onChangeSpy')
cy.mount(Stepper, { props: { onChange: onChangeSpy } })
cy.get('@onChangeSpy').should('have.been.calledWith', 1)

Accessing the Component Instance​

There might be times when you might want to access the component instance directly in your tests. To do so, use .then(), which enables us to work with the subject that was yielded from the cy.mount() command.

cy.mount(Stepper).then(({ component }) => {
//component is the rendered instance of Stepper