Get Started
UI Coverage works instantly, with no setup or code instrumentation required. If you record test runs to the Cypress Cloud with Test Replay, you're ready to start using UI Coverage. You'll start your free trial with personalized support from our sales team and your existing test data to instantly see where testing gaps exist for all of your Cypress projects. From there, you can easily customize reports to fit your needs with flexible configuration options.
1. Request a trial​
Get started with a free trial of UI Coverage. You'll receive a personalized demo using your existing test data to see where testing gaps exist for all of your Cypress projects.
Request trial ➜2. Record a run​
UI Coverage generates reports using Test Replay data and requires Cypress v13+. No additional configuration or instrumentation is required to start using UI Coverage.
Record a run to the Cypress Cloud with Test Replay to start using UI Coverage.
3. View your UI Coverage results​
After recording a test run, you can view your UI Coverage results in the Cypress Cloud via the UI Coverage tab.

4. Customize your results​
UI Coverage provides flexible configuration options to customize your reports. You can configure:
- Attribute filters: specify patterns for attributes and their values that should not be used for identifying and grouping elements
- Element filters: specify selectors for elements that should be excluded from UI Coverage
- Element groups: groups elements that are related to one another
- Elements: specify selectors to uniquely identify elements
- Significant Attributes: prioritize the identification and grouping of specific attributes
- View filters: specify URL patterns for URLs that should be excluded from UI Coverage. Excluding a URL also excludes all links to that URL.
- Views: specify URL patterns that represent views
To add or modify the configuration for your project, navigate to the App Quality tab in your project settings.