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Recorded Runs

What you'll learn​
  • How to view and analyze recorded test runs in Cypress Cloud
  • How to cancel, archive, and restore archived runs
  • How to view and analyze recorded test runs in the Cypress App

Recorded runs capture the results from your test runs. Each specific area of this highly informative view is described below.


If you haven't set up your project to record, read here.

Latest Runs​

The Project entry point provides a high-level overview of your most recent runs. This view presents a paginated summary of runs which are filterable and can be manually refreshed in the top right corner.

Run Details​

On navigating to a specific run, you are presented with the Run Details page. This page consists of a common header and four tabbed sub-pages, Overview, Test Results, Specs, and Errors.

Run Details page

Run header​

At the left side of the header is important metadata about the run, including git author and branch (if available), run time and duration, CI data and more. Clicking on the three dots to the right of this section displays additional metadata, including browsers and operating systems used, the Cypress version, and what Smart Orchestration settings were active.

At the right of the header are a set of indicators showing the number of flaky, skipped, pending, passed, and failed tests in this run. Clicking any of these takes you to the Test Results tab with results filtered by the clicked status.

Run details header

Run in progress panel​

If the selected run is currently in progress, an additional panel will be shown under the Run Header with a progress indicator and an action link to cancel the run.

Run in progress panel

Overview tab​

By default the Run Details page will be open to the Overview tab. Here you can see the run metrics we consider most critical.

Run duration​

This graph visualizes how long your tests took to run compared to previous runs, with the currently selected run highlighted. Run status is indicated by the color of the bars, which may be filtered by status with the dropdown to the top right of that graph. Hovering over a run displays a popover with more information.

At the bottom of the run duration graph you may see one or more blue boxes. These represent points in time when configuration settings were changed, possibly impacting test performance. Hovering over them reveals the specific changes made.

Run duration panel


To the right of the run duration graph you may see a box with our recommendations for improving the performance of your test suite. Our Smart Orchestration features can help you run fewer, more relevant, and faster tests, depending on the details of your test suite.

The algorithm we use to calculate the details of these recommendations is a sophisticated and quite detailed model of your test suite, but fundamentally we look at up to 100 of your most recent tests and simulate what those test runs would have looked like with different Smart Orchestration configurations. From there we calculate a figure totalling the differences in duration between the simulated tests and the actual tests as they happened.


Tests for Review​

The Tests for Review panel consolidates disparate test results into a single view, focusing attention on the specs producing the most relevant results.

It orders results by:

  • Failed - when a failure occurred in the test or a hook associated with the test
  • Flaky - when a test failed one or more attempts before finally passing
  • Modified - when the test body has changed from a previously recorded tests

The panel shows these tests broken down by spec, with a badge clearly indicating the reason the result was considered notable. Access run artifacts with a mouse hover to quickly expose the Test Replay, screenshots, videos, and CI logs generated by this test.

Clicking on a specific test opens the test detail sidebar.

Tests for Review

Test Results tab​

On the Test Results tab, detailed results for the entire test run can be browsed and examined. At the top of the page are dropdowns for you to sort and filter results by a wide range of metrics, like test statuses or flaky tests.

Test Results tab

Specs tab​

Another way to look at your run is by "zooming out" to the spec file level, which is the purpose of the Specs tab. Remember, a spec file is a single file that can contain one or more test(s).

This tab lets you view spec results collected into run groups. You can switch between views, focusing either on run order, spec duration or parallelization (per machine) using the Views button bar in the top right.

In all of these views, spec results may be clicked to open those tests in the Test Results tab.

Specs view switcher

Timeline View​

The Timeline View charts your spec files as they ran relative to each other. This is especially helpful when you want to visualize how your tests ran in parallel.

Specs Timeline View

Bar Chart View​

The Bar Chart View charts the lengths of each spec file. This view is helpful to determine which spec files are using up a lot of run time and could be split up or simplified.

Specs Bar Chart View

Machines View​

If your tests are parallelized, the Machines View shows which and how many specs were run on each parallel process. This view lets you see how work is being distributed, and provides hard data for decisions about increasing or decreasing your CI parallelization capacity.

Specs Machines View

Errors tab​

The Errors tab simply aggregates any errors thrown during tests in this run. Expanding specific errors gives more information and a link through to the test detail sidebar.

Errors tab

Test detail sidebar​

Every test in the run has all its details surfaced in a special sidebar. This sidebar may contain all or fewer of the sections detailed below. In addition it may also contain details of runtime environment, failure and flake rates over time, performance breakdowns, listings of the test code itself, and more.

Contains the title of the failed test, and the spec it's located in. May also have labels indicating test status or other pertinent information, and shortcuts to raise tickets on integrated project management systems or view artifacts.

Test sidebar header

Attempts and errors​

Stack traces, error message, and point-of-failure code frames for each attempt of a test. View or debug artifacts of each particular attempt.

Test sidebar attempts and errors

Previous runs​

A graphical history of previous runs of this test, indicating failures and successes on the current branch.

Test sidebar previous Runs


Screenshots, videos and CI logs generated by this test. Both screenshots taken during failures and screenshots taken using the cy.screenshot() command will show up here. Video can be downloaded.

Test sidebar artifacts

CI logs from the Cypress standard output include details and summaries of your tests for each spec file based on the reporter you have set. By default it is the spec reporter.

standard output

Test Code History​

Shows git commits that included changes to the current test, providing insights into the development of this test, helping to diagnose test failures, and track down regressions. Expanding a specific commit shows the diff at that point in time.

Note that the diff is based on the state of the code after transpilation, since we are not currently collecting source maps.

Test sidebar code history

Run cancellation​

You can cancel a run currently in progress from Cypress Cloud. Runs can only be canceled by members of the project.

To cancel a run​

  • Click on a run in progress from the run list
  • Click on Cancel run** in the upper-right corner of the run details page
  • Click Yes, cancel this run to confirm. Note: this cannot be undone

What happens when a run is canceled?​

  • The run status will update to canceled.

  • A message will appear on the run details page showing the time of cancellation and the user that canceled the run.

  • The run will display as Canceled in the associated GitHub pull request if GitHub Integration is enabled.

  • Any tests recorded to completion will be available to view in the run details page.

  • Any tests recorded to completion will still count towards your monthly test results limit.

  • If you have Analytics enabled, canceled runs will appear in the Runs over time chart.

  • Any incomplete calls to cypress run --record for the run will be marked as canceled and not run.

  • Any existing calls to cypress run --record for the run will exit with an error like below.


See our Auto Cancellation guide to learn how to improve developer resolution time, reduce your monthly CI bill and free up CI resources with Auto Cancellation.

Archive run​

Runs that have been canceled or are in an errored state can be archived from Cypress Cloud.

To archive a run​

  • In the cancellation or error message, click Archive this run.

What happens when a run is archived?​

  • The archived run will no longer display in the runs list or Analytics reporting.
  • Archived runs can be accessed by the URL to that run. The format is:{project ID}/runs/{run number}
  • Any tests recorded to Cypress Cloud will still count towards your monthly test results limit, even when it has been archived.

To restore an archived run​

  • Visit the archived run. The archived run can be accessed by the URL of the run. The format is:{project ID}/runs/{run number}
  • Click Restore from archive**

Cypress App​


For even more visibility into your test results, information about recent runs is surfaced in the Cypress app. Aggregate results of your latest runs are shown on the Specs page while more detailed information about specific runs can be found on the Runs page.



This screen shows detailed information about the most recently recorded test runs to Cypress Cloud, showing the latest first.

The Runs page uses Git to show runs for your branch. If no runs are found for your current branch, all runs for your project are shown as a fallback. The title of each run is taken from the git commit message for that change, and clicking on it will take you to the corresponding run page in Cypress Cloud.

Recorded Runs


The Debug page allows you to easily debug failed CI test runs from within the Cypress app. From this page, you can review, rerun, and debug failed CI test runs that are recorded to Cypress Cloud - all without leaving the Cypress app.



Cypress Cloud can notify you about recorded test runs on your branch directly in the app through system notifications.

App notification on macOS

Clicking the notification will take you to the debug page in the Cypress app.


In-app notifications are available in Cypress v12.17.0 and above and requires macOS or Linux. Windows support is coming soon.

Configure Notifications​

To enable notifications, in the Cypress app, go to Settings, then down to Device Settings, and click the Enable desktop notifications button. Your system may then prompt you to allow notifications.

Enable notifications

You can receive notifications for the following events:

  • When a recorded run starts on your current commit in Cypress Cloud
  • When a recorded run starts to fail on your current commit in Cypress Cloud
  • And when a recorded run completes on your current commit in Cypress Cloud, which you can customize the events to notify you when a run passes, fails, is canceled or has an error.

Note: You will only receive notifications for runs that are running on the same commit that your current branch's head is on locally.

Click the Send test notification button to test that notifications are working properly on your system.

Troubleshooting Notifications​

If you are not receiving notifications, please check the following:

  • That the recorded run is being recorded to Cypress Cloud.
  • In your system settings, make sure that notifications are enabled for the Cypress app.
  • That your local project is currently on the git commit that the test run being recorded is sending notifications for.